Purchase of teeth gold
We process the dental gold ourselves in our own smelter. If there is any doubt about the content, we use our in-house spectrometer. Please clear the crowns from tooth remains as well as possible . We purchase dental gold, gold crowns and dental waste from dentists, dental technicians, dental labs, crematoria, archaeologists and jewellers.
The prices that we give for your teeth gold can you find further below.
The dental gold specialist in Belgium
Pejati buys at the highest price in Belgium, you will be paid correctly and immediately! For the exact analysis we have a spectrometer in house so that we can immediately measure the gold content of tooth gold about which there is doubt. This way we can offer you the highest possible price and pay you immediately.
Please clear the crowns from tooth remains as well as possible. Large quantities of dental waste are immediately melted into a block and then analyzed in our spectrometer We purchase dental gold, gold crowns and dental waste from dentists, dental technicians, dental labs, crematoria, archaeologists and jewellers.

Price that we give for your teeth gold